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$15 flat rate freight for orders of $50 and under
Australian Owned, Est 2007
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Fast and responsive shipping delivery
We Ship Across Australia 3 Times A Day
Free delivery
Free freight when you spend over $50 in each transaction
Flat rate freight
$15 flat rate freight for orders of $50 and under
Free gift
Free gift when you spend $200 in each transaction
Australian Owned Since 2007
Spend over $100 in each transaction
We Ship Across Australia 3 Times A Day
Spend over $50 in each transaction
$12.50 flat rate freight  for orders of $50 & under
Spend $200 in each transaction


The products and services are provided, and ‘our’ websites are provided, by Davikas Pty Ltd t/a Salon.Store ABN 71 112 778 282 (‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’). ‘We’ are committed to supporting the 'Australian Privacy Principles' and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which has set clear standards and guidelines for the collection, access, storage and use of Personal Information (‘Personal Information’) which ‘we’ may obtain during the course of ‘our’ dealings with you. ‘Our’ Privacy Policy sets out, in general terms, matters of which you should be aware regarding the Personal Information ‘we’ may collect about you, ‘our’ policies on the management of personal information, how you may access Personal Information that ‘we’ keep or complain about a suspected privacy breach, and generally, what sort of information ‘we’ collect and how ‘we’ hold, use and disclose that information. When you provide ‘us’ with Personal Information (whether via one of ‘our’ websites, through any of ‘our’ promotions, or otherwise), ‘we’ respect your privacy.


We collect and use Personal Information from customers, users or visitors of our websites, social medial channels, products or services. The type of Personal Information that we collect and use depends on the type of dealings that you have with us and can include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, postal or delivery address, date of birth, billing information (such as credit card and bank account details), proof of identity information and documents, information about the products and services you have ordered or enquired about and your beauty profile. If you would prefer that we do not collect any Personal Information from you, please do not provide us with any such information.

When you submit your Personal Information to us, or by using, browsing or accessing our websites or social media channels, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Where we have collected Personal Information about you from another source, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the following:

  • The fact that we have collected Personal Information about you and how you can contact us regarding the collection of such information;
  • How you can gain access to the Personal Information collected;
  • Why we collected the Personal Information;
  • Who we would usually disclose such Personal Information to;
  • Any law requiring us to collect Personal Information

You have no obligation to provide any information requested by us however, we may not be able to provide you with the products or services you require should the provision of the product or service depend on the collection of that information, including if the collection of that information is required by law.


We will collect Personal Information about you in a variety of ways, including:

  1. through your use, or orders of, of our products and services; when you visit or submit information through our website, social media or and other online channels, when you contact us with a query or request information about our products and services, complete any forms or agreements for our products and services, when you participate in competitions, promotions, events, sweepstakes, surveys, questionnaires or rewards programs
  2. from third parties (including our related bodies corporate, business partners and service providers, credit reporting bodies and government agencies); and
  3. from publicly available sources of information (including, but not limited to, social media sites).

The Personal Information collected by us will track your use, or enhance your use, of the foregoing and assist us in providing a better service. We do not use or share Personal Information for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was disclosed. By providing your Personal Information to us, you acknowledge that you are authorised to provide such information to us. We may collect Personal Information about you for our related bodies corporate and service providers and when you request information about products and services. We will only collect Personal Information that is necessary for one or more of our functions or for the purpose disclosed to you.


We use your Personal Information for the purposes for which the information is collected. The Personal Information that we collect is generally used to provide our products, services, customer rewards programs, website and social media channels (including customised online content and advertising displayed on our website or social media channels) to you. We also use it to improve or develop our products, services and website, to operate, maintain and test and upgrade our systems and to notify you of opportunities that we think you might be interested in. We do not use or share Personal Information for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was collected and disclosed. We do not provide, trade or sell Personal Information to other organizations without your consent. However we may disclose Personal Information to our related bodies corporate, business partners, third party contractors, agents and suppliers and service providers (as set out in section 7b. below) in connection with providing our product or service to you.

By providing your Personal Information to us, you acknowledge that, and consent to the following:

  1. We may collect and use your Personal Information for the purpose disclosed to you.
  2. You are authorised to provide such information to us.
  3. Any information provided may be disclosed on a confidential basis to our third party contractors, agents or suppliers.
  4. Information provided to us in the process of us providing a product or service to you, may be used by us for recruitment or job opportunity purposes.

If you provide your Personal Information to us, whether via one of our websites or social medial channels, through any of our promotions or competition, or otherwise, the information you provide may be used by us to include you in a customer rewards program, create and deliver to you direct mail, emails, sms, surveys or attend customer research or discussion groups or other communications containing product, services and event information, tips, promotions or competitions. If you prefer not to receive such communications including those of any rewards programs- see Section 5. below.


We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Personal Information we hold is accurate; however it is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide us is accurate and that you advise us of any changes to your details. You may contact us at any time and ask for its correction if you feel that the Personal Information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete. Alternatively, you can also visit our web site and log on to manage your Personal Information at any time.

If we determine that Personal Information is no longer needed for any purpose, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify that Personal Information, unless we are required by law or a court or tribunal to retain the information.


Where we have your express or implied consent, or where we are otherwise permitted by law, we may use your Personal Information to send you information about the products and services we offer, as well as other information that may be of interest to you. We may send this information by mail, email, SMS telephone, on or via social media or other online channels (including by customising online content advertised or displayed on our websites or social media channels)

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing communications from us, you may opt-out at any time by: (a) using the unsubscribe facility that we include in our commercial electronic messages; (b) Contacting us at hi@salon.store This may not remove you from any customer rewards programs or remove you from receiving any social media or other online channels communications or customised online content advertised or displayed on our website or social media channels.


We take reasonable steps to ensure your Personal Information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration, both online and offline. We store Personal Information in different ways, including in paper and electronic form. We use security procedures to protect the Personal Information we hold. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure, however we will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information you may transmit to us.

Access to and use of Personal Information within our organization is limited by us to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of that Personal Information by others. Our employees, contractors and service providers are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any Personal Information held by us.


a. Compliance with laws and fraud protection

We may disclose any information, including Personal Information to law enforcement bodies or regulatory authorities to assist with their functions, courts of law or as otherwise required or authorised by law.

We may also exchange information, including Personal Information, with other companies and organizations for credit fraud protection and risk reduction. This may occur in several instances, including when your bank or other financial institution requests proof of authorisation of a payment.

b. Service providers

We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions consistent with our Privacy Policy on our behalf. Examples include customer support specialists, hosting companies, web developers, internet service providers, fulfilment companies (eg companies that coordinate mailings), marketing, analysis and research and data analysis firms, data centres, cloud based storage providers, customer relationship management providers, email service providers, financial and credit card institutions in order to process any payments, insurers and external business advisors (such as auditors and lawyers). Such third parties may be provided with access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions, but may not use such information for any other purpose. In all circumstances where your Personal Information is disclosed, we will ensure that these third parties undertake to protect your privacy.


We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Information we collect through any of our websites is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration. Our website has electronic security systems in place, including the use of firewalls. All pages that require you to enter your Personal Information or payment details on our site use 128 bit SSL encryption. To ensure that the page you are viewing uses 128 bit SSL encryption, you should look for the padlock icon in your browser.

Despite our reasonable steps, we are unable to ensure or warrant the security of any Personal Information transmitted to us. Accordingly, all Personal Information disclosed by you to us is at your own risk and we are not liable for any unauthorised access to the Personal Information.


A cookie is a piece of data that enables us to track and target your preferences. We may use cookies to enable us to identify you as a return user and personalize and enhance your experience and your use of any of our sites. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to warn you before accepting cookies. If you have set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, you will receive the warning message with each cookie. If you reject our cookies, you may still use our site, but you may be limited in the use of some of the features. We use cookies to help us improve our service to you when you access our site and to ensure that our site remains easy to use and navigate. We may also use IP addresses to analyse trends, administer our sites, track traffic patterns, and gather demographic information for aggregate use, as well as in combination with your Personal Information for credit fraud protection and risk reduction.

Services that our website may use from time to time include Google Analytics, which transmits website traffic data to Google servers. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand traffic and usage on our website. By using our website, you consent to Google processing your data in the manner described in Google's Privacy Policy and for the purposes set out in this policy.

Google may pass on cookies to its partners and other third parties to achieve its purposes. For more information on how Google uses the information collected from cookies, please see this section of Google’s Privacy Policy.


Although our sites may contain links to or from external websites, those websites are not subject to our privacy standards, policies and procedures. We recommend that you make your own enquires as to the Privacy Policies of these third parties. We are in no way responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties. This Privacy Policy applies only to the information we collect on our sites.

Changes to this privacy policy:

Salon.Store has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, post a notification on the main page of our Site, revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms:

By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy and terms of service. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Contacting us:

If you have any questions about the above Policies, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:

